lauantai 17. syyskuuta 2011


Happy arrival to Stockholm
Karim accepted to take a photo of me in front of the city.
He spoke many languages and gave me good advise in morocco
Class reunion continues. Anniina had to leave to Amsterdam
we had pizza and nice chat and then she left in the next morning. Then I was together with her fiance Johannes. Now as I am writing this he is calculating the coordinates for opposite point of earth for Turku 22.224E 60.359N  (the city I started the trip). The point locates at 157.776W -60.359S
I wish fireregulations in Finland were the same as in Stockholm
few hundred years ago
What does this mean?

2 kommenttia:

  1. Jännittävää, mulla on lähes tismalleen samanlainen tuplasateenkaaren kuva Stokiksesta muutaman vuoden takaa.
