torstai 15. joulukuuta 2011

St. Lucia

The first thing I did on my first morning in the Caribbean was using my only American dollar I had in my wallet for the last few years (don´t know where I got it from). I bought Ginger Ale.

Captain of my friend Stefano looked exactly like Sean Connery and played guitar.

Francesco left

In Martinique I saw again the most beautiful boat in the world. Hetairos is made in Pietarsaari for a private client. They sailed across the Atlantic in just 8 days. From Canaries to Caribbean with incredible average speed of 15.5kn. I have started of dreaming about becoming a naval architect designing boats for the lucky ones and of course for myself too. With the knowledge I gain by sailing with various boats around the big oceans  I hope to do better job than the infamous boat of most famous Finnish architect. Actually I would like to design better boat than anyone ever before. Well see if I ever get started.


Art photo by Marianto


 In St. Lucia the Caribbean sun is really trying to kill me. I am happy not yet being burned to death. On daytime it is impossible for me to stay longer times in the sun. The general atmosphere is relaxed but it is obvious the island is rather poor. Hellomyfriendwannataximans are quite laid back. I had a nice chat with Seemuel (I dont know the spelling but something between Simon and Samuel) talking about the differences of our countries. We came to conclusion that St. Lucia is poor paradise and Finland is a country for robots, built by robots. Getting to know locals does not come really naturally as quite often we "white men" are seen as a christmas present from the other side of Atlantic in the form of money. Best times with the locals so far were at a small billiard saloon even though there wasn´t much winning involved.

Martinique is very different from St. Lucia. The language is French instead of Caribbean English and the island seems to live in prosperity. In St. Lucia I did not feel very safe outside the marina but we went to local
friday festival anyway. In the marina there were everynight hookers looking for rich white men and they sometimes were rather straightforward in their actions, groping groins and even entering toilets while peeing.. I heard they often were great pickpockets and that HIV is quite common in the islands so was not too interested.


Passion fruit gelatine 

Marianto stashed some spices to my backbag when I was leaving

Roberto the beachboy



Beach resort

Caribbean sunset

2 kommenttia:

  1. ¡Olli!!! Me gustó mucho este post. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que percibiste de estas islas. Ya aquí es de mañanita, tú estás por irte, todavía no se sabe a donde, pero igual quiero que leas este poema de un grande de la literatura latinoamericana, Mario Benedetti.
    No te Rindas.
    No te rindas, aún estás a tiempo

    De alcanzar y comenzar de nuevo,

    Aceptar tus sombras,

    Enterrar tus miedos,

    Liberar el lastre,

    Retomar el vuelo.

    No te rindas que la vida es eso,

    Continuar el viaje,

    Perseguir tus sueños,

    Destrabar el tiempo,

    Correr los escombros,

    Y destapar el cielo.

    No te rindas, por favor no cedas,

    Aunque el frío queme,

    Aunque el miedo muerda,

    Aunque el sol se esconda,

    Y se calle el viento,

    Aún hay fuego en tu alma

    Aún hay vida en tus sueños.

    Porque la vida es tuya y tuyo también el deseo

    Porque lo has querido y porque te quiero

    Porque existe el vino y el amor, es cierto.

    Porque no hay heridas que no cure el tiempo.

    Abrir las puertas,

    Quitar los cerrojos,

    Abandonar las murallas que te protegieron,

    Vivir la vida y aceptar el reto,

    Recuperar la risa,

    Ensayar un canto,

    Bajar la guardia y extender las manos

    Desplegar las alas

    E intentar de nuevo,

    Celebrar la vida y retomar los cielos.

    No te rindas, por favor no cedas,

    Aunque el frío queme,

    Aunque el miedo muerda,

    Aunque el sol se ponga y se calle el viento,

    Aún hay fuego en tu alma,

    Aún hay vida en tus sueños

    Porque cada día es un comienzo nuevo,

    Porque esta es la hora y el mejor momento.

    Porque no estás solo, porque yo te quiero.

    Mario Benedetti

    Un gran abrazo amigo nuestro. Gracias por todo.

  2. Era yo, Marianto. :-)
